How to Facilitate an Online Board Meeting

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A board meeting online is a fantastic way for a nonprofit’s board of directors to meet from home, without the need for travel. However, virtual meetings can create unique challenges that need to be addressed. Certain issues can be addressed by utilizing the right tools to meet your board’s requirements but others require more thought and thought. There are many tools to aid you in running your online board meeting efficiently.

A well-planned agenda can help you improve the efficiency of your online board meeting. Make sure to include specific discussion points with allotted time and the desired conclusion for each item. This will ensure that meetings remain focused on the most important issues and will reduce the chance of discussions drifting off topic or taking too long.

Before you begin your meeting, it’s a good idea to make sure that everyone on your board are familiar with the tools and software they’ll need. Give clear instructions regarding how to sign in to the videoconference, and also encourage your board members not to open any software that could hinder audio or use the bandwidth. Remind them to stay clear of brightly lit areas during their participation to ensure that other participants can’t see their screens.

The best tool for facilitating an online board meeting is an app for collaboration. This allows board members to quickly prepare for meetings via virtual technology and also attend them. Choose an application that includes the ability to build a boardbook. This will help you cut down on the time it takes to plan meetings. It should also come with a feature allowing you to distribute meeting materials and agendas in advance. Find an app that lets you share documents in real time and allows participants to highlight and add annotations.